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Quality booster

The fundamental prerequisite for cost-efficient processes is their forgiving usability - but this often fails because user-oriented, final control is lacking.


An old saying goes, "You have to be rich enough to afford cheap things."

Underlying is the statement that an essential factor for the sustainability (economic, social and ecological) of products and processes is that they function for as long as possible as well as avoiding inefficient additional efforts (e.g., through error correction).

Low quality in products and services, sales processes and customer communication lead not only to "unsustainable" waste of resources in people and materials, but also to lost sales (dissatisfied customers) and unnecessary additional costs (warranty processing and/or replacement products).


C-plus-C can (with objective, external glasses) check your (digital) sales processes for user-friendliness and error resistance from both a customer and employee perspective and suggest concrete quick-win improvements.

Rights management

for photos

If you wish to use any our copyrighted pictures, please contact us here.

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